Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Do these exercises and bring to class to check:

Elementary Grammar Review (A2)
Choose the correct letter to complete the sentences.
1. Are there ______ apples in the kitchen?
  1. much
  2. any
  3. some
2. That is _____ interesting book.
  1. the
  2. a
  3. an
3. I went ______ church last Sunday.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. to
4. What _____ he like? - He is very friendly.
  1. does
  2. did
  3. is
5. I ________ a new car last month.
  1. bought
  2. have bought
  3. buyed
6. How ________ money do you have in your pocket?
  1. many
  2. few
  3. much
7. He came ______ home late last night.
  1. -
  2. at
  3. to
8. Jack is a nice boy, and I like _____.
  1. -
  2. him
  3. his
9. I get up ______ seven o'clock every day
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
10. I like __________ music.
  1. listen
  2. listen to
  3. listening to
11. What __________ in your free time?
  1. you do
  2. do you do
  3. are you doing
12. My father _______ in a bank.
  1. works
  2. work
  3. is working
13. Would you like _______ coffee?
  1. any
  2. an
  3. some
14. I _____ drive a car.
  1. can't to
  2. can
  3. want
15. He likes watching TV ______ evening.
  1. in the
  2. at
  3. during
16. It ________ rain tomorrow.
  1. is going to
  2. will
  3. is
17. I drove my car _____ the garage.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. into
18. _________. Is there a post office near here?
  1. Please
  2. Excuse me
  3. Pardon
19. I live in ______.
  1. italy
  2. Italy
  3. Italian
20. The shop is at the end of this street _____ the right.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
21. The bank is _______ the post office.
  1. near of
  2. next to
  3. next
22. There are ______ books on the table.
  1. any
  2. an
  3. some
23. I would like _____ rice.
  1. a
  2. one
  3. some
24. I went to Paris three years _____.
  1. last
  2. ago
  3. time past
25. Do you like ______ Chinese food?
  1. -
  2. an
  3. some
26. He speaks English _____.
  1. good
  2. well
  3. gooder
27. He is a very _________ driver.
  1. carefully
  2. careful
  3. care
28. He ___________ visit his brother next week.
  1. is going to
  2. will
  3. is
29. I'm going to Seattle ______ English.
  1. for learning
  2. to learn
  3. for to learn
30. What __________________! Look at that mess!
  1. do you do
  2. is you do
  3. are you doing
31. He enjoys __________ football.
  1. to play
  2. play
  3. playing
32. Paris is _______________ city I have ever visited.
  1. the beautifulest
  2. the most beautiful
  3. most beautiful
33. Today is __________ than yesterday.
  1. hoter
  2. more hot
  3. hotter
34. Jack is a ________ tennis player than Peter.
  1. gooder
  2. better
  3. badder
35. I'm going home ______ it's late.
  1. why
  2. that
  3. because
36. _________ 'The Sting'?
  1. Did you ever see
  2. Have you ever seen
  3. Have you ever see

Lower Intermediate Grammar Review (B1)
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
1. The children in that class ______ nine years old.
  1. has
  2. are
  3. have
2. How ___________ to work?
  1. you go
  2. go you
  3. do you go
3. Do you like watching TV? Yes, I ___
  1. like
  2. like watching
  3. do
4. ____________ to dinner tonight?
  1. Does he come
  2. Will he come
  3. Is he coming
5. I like __________ to music.
  1. listen
  2. to listening
  3. listening
6. He can see something _________ in the sky! Why don't we have a look?
  1. flying
  2. fly
  3. to fly
7. _______________ to come to dinner with us? (invitation)
  1. Do you like
  2. Would you like
  3. Like you
8. What film ______ we see? (asking for a suggestion)
  1. want
  2. will
  3. shall

9. Do you want _________ to dinner tomorrow?
  1. come
  2. to come
  3. coming
10. He's got _______ interesting stories.
  1. any
  2. some
  3. a lot
11. We _____ a wonderful dinner yesterday evening.
  1. have had
  2. haved
  3. had
12. I think the first painting was __________ than the other one.
  1. better
  2. gooder
  3. goodder
13. I went to the butcher's _____ buy some bread.
  1. for to
  2. in order
  3. to
14. This book is ______.
  1. him
  2. he's
  3. his
15. We have our English lesson _____ Fridays.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
16. Let's meet ___ four o'clock this afternoon.
  1. on
  2. at
  3. in
17. My car was more expensive _____ his.
  1. as
  2. so
  3. than
18. When _____________ to her?
  1. you talked
  2. talked you
  3. did you talk
19. She _____ she wanted to come.
  1. told
  2. said
  3. meant
20. I _______________ TV when the telephone rang.
  1. watched
  2. was watching
  3. have watched
21. ___________________ your homework yet?
  1. Have you finished
  2. Did you finish
  3. Did you finished
22. What will you do if he _______ come?
  1. won't
  2. isn't going to
  3. doesn't
23. Would you mind __________ me a hand?
  1. giving
  2. give
  3. to give
24. I'm hungry! Just a moment, I ____________ you a sandwich.
  1. 'll make
  2. 'm making
  3. make
25. I enjoy his books because he writes so ______.
  1. good
  2. better
  3. well
26. It ________ rain tomorrow.
  1. isn't going to
  2. not
  3. won't
27. What _______________? He is quite tall and handsome.
  1. does he look
  2. does he look like
  3. does he seem
28. She asked him _____ her.
  1. help
  2. helping
  3. to help
29. We ________ leave by seven o'clock every evening.
  1. have to
  2. must
  3. must to
30.  If you want to be healthy, you ________ smoke.
  1. have not to
  2. must not to
  3. shouldn't
31. He's ________________ politics.
  1. boring by
  2. interested by
  3. bored by
32. I tried my best but I __________ do the exercise.
  1. can't to
  2. couldn't
  3. am not able
33. I missed the train, so I ________ take the one after.
  1. musted
  2. must to
  3. had to
34. I ____________ sine we were children.
  1. know
  2. have known
  3. did know
35. He's _______ eaten.
  1. yet
  2. still
  3. already
36. They've been to France, __________ ?
  1. aren't they
  2. have they
  3. haven't they

Intermediate Grammar Review (B1+)
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
1. I __________________ TV when the telephone rang.
  1. watched
  2. was watching
  3. are watching
2. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I've _______ eaten lunch.
  1. yet
  2. still
  3. already
3. My mother let me __________ late when I was a child.
  1. stay out
  2. to stay out
  3. staying out
4. Would you like _____ chicken?
  1. any
  2. one
  3. some
5. He has _____ friends in Chicago.
  1. few of
  2. much
  3. few
6. She _______ lunch by the time we arrived.
  1. finished
  2. is finished
  3. had finished
7. What shall we do tonight? How about _______ a film?
  1. to see
  2. seeing
  3. see
8. ______ you ever _____ Hollywood?
  1. Did you ever go
  2. Have you ever gone
  3. Are you ever gone

9. Have you finished your homework _____?
  1. already
  2. yet
  3. still
10. Jack is really _________ history, especially Japanese history.
  1. interesting in
  2. interested on
  3. interested in
11. These images ___________________ by an artist named Phil Thomsen.
  1. were photographed
  2. photographed
  3. photographs
12. If I ______ you, I would wait a while to begin investing.
  1. was
  2. are
  3. were
13. He'll give you a call as soon as he ________.
  1. will arrive
  2. is going to arrive
  3. arrives
14. He found his watch _______ his papers on his desk.
  1. among
  2. between
  3. in
15. Would you mind ___________ me a hand this morning?
  1. give
  2. giving
  3. to give
16. I think San Francisco is _____ exciting _____ New York.
  1. as .... as
  2. as .... than
  3. than ... as
17. If she ________ he was coming, she would have prepared the guest room.
  1. knew
  2. had known
  3. have known
18. She ______ me she wanted to come.
  1. said
  2. says
  3. told
19. What _________________ do at work?
  1. must you
  2. have you to
  3. do you have to
20. I wonder if ________________________ yet.
  1. has the letter arrived
  2. the letter has arrived
  3. has arrived the letter
21. Do you really want to __________ that meeting until tomorrow?
  1. put off
  2. put until
  3. put on
22. I'm hungry! Just a moment, I ______ you a sandwich.
  1. 'll make
  2. 'm going to make
  3. 'm making
23. _________________, we won't have much to talk about.
  1. If not he comes
  2. Unless he comes
  3. Since he comes
24. Oh, look at those clouds! It ___________ rain
  1. will rain
  2. is
  3. 's going to
25. How is he? - Frank, oh he's _______.
  1. fine
  2. quite handsome
  3. interesting
26. Jack told her that he __________________ the next day.
  1. is coming
  2. is going to come
  3. was going to come
27. He will meet you ______________ the station at seven o'clock.
  1. front of
  2. next
  3. in front of

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