Tuesday, November 21, 2017


If you like writing poetry or narratives in English or Italian and you want to try to win a Prize about music, enter the this competition:

6 - INTRODUCING YOURSELF (Answer the questions to review for next test)

Hi Students! I hope you have a great week.
Answer the following questions about you and bring to the teacher on Saturday 25th Nov.:

1. What's your first name and surname?
2. Where are you from?
3. Where do you live now? How long have you lived there?
4. What school do you go to? What school do you attend?
5. What year are you in? What are you specializing in?
6. What instrument do you play? How long have you played it?
7. What is your favourite subject and why?
8. What do you like and don't like about your school?
9. What are your passions / hobbies / interests? What do you like doing in your free-time?
10. What are your future ambitions?
11. Where do you want to work? What do you expect from your future job?
12. Where do you want to live? Why?
13. Would you like to live abroad? Why or why not?
14. Tell me about you. What are your strengths? (forze) What is your weakness? (debolezza)
15. Have you ever had any work experience? What did you do? When did you do it?


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